Ben started walking back in November, and I totally meant to post about it then. Then December came and kicked me in the rear. Now that I’ve recovered and regained my inner peace (cleaned my house), here’s what he’s been up to:
Walking! He didn’t seem to be in a hurry to get going, but he finally got it down in November. Mike said he took a few steps in church on the 28th, but I didn’t see it, so it doesn’t count. I did see the steps he took the next day.
Teeth! Holy Moly, this kid is a tooth making machine! He was born teething (literally) and hasn’t stopped since. He has his 2 year molars already and his 4 canines just came through this week. These have been the hardest ones yet. After this, he should be done until he gets his 4 year old molars. Hopefully they will come in when he’s 4! I have been impressed with how happy he has been through it all.
Ben is definitely my mischievous child. Carter is sassy, Samantha is destructive, and Ben is just mischievous. He knows when he shouldn’t be getting into something and loves to do it anyways. The bathroom is his favorite place to be naughty. I caught him with some of my mixing bowls in the toilet one time (yes, they have been thoroughly cleaned since). He loved to pull everything out of the bathroom cupboard until I put a lock on it. He laughs and squeals when I catch him. He loves to sneak through the baby gate when one of the kids are a little too slow closing it behind them. Mostly, he just loves to get in trouble. 
He is a copy cat. He loves to imitate everything and everyone. When we walk outside he will caw like a crow. He is talking quite a bit and says lots of words, just because he likes to copy what we say. He will try to say pretty much anything you ask him to. He saw me clean the toilet once and since then has tried to do it himself a number of times. He saw me clean the litter box and keeps trying to do that too. Needless to say, there has been some serious hand washing going on around here.
He’s learning his body parts. Ask him to show you a nose and he will stick his finger right up whoever’s nose you are asking about. He discovered the cat’s nose tonight. I don’t think she was super excited about that.
He is a great sleeper. He goes to bed around 6:30 and sleeps until 7 or 8 in the morning. And he usually takes a good afternoon nap. I guess he got the memo about me needing my sleep.
He loves to eat. He will eat pretty much anything and a lot of it, although yogurt and “nanas” are his favorite as of late.
He’s awesome! He knows more about temper tantrums than I would like, but what can you do? Lucky for him, he’s cute then too.