
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hello Old Friend…

Hello blog.  Remember me?  I used to stop by every so often and drop off a new post.  I know, I know, it’s been a while.  Ok, it’s been a long time.  That cast that Carter got the last time I stopped by?  Well, it’s been replaced with an Iron Man-esque boot.  And that little Iron Man?  Well, he turned six and I haven’t even gotten around to telling you about it. It was a pretty awesome party if I do say so myself.  Ben started walking a while back – I can’t believe I forgot to mention that one. We also had a fabulous Christmas and a rockin’ New Year’s Eve.  The kids have been nothing but trouble, but that really hasn’t changed, has it now?  What’s that you say?  You’d like to hear all about it?  Even when it was all so long ago?  Well ok, I’ll do what I can to catch you up.  And I will try to stop by more often.  But as always, I make no promises!