I have a couple of friends who regularly post their favorite things on their blogs. I love the idea and have actually tried out some of their favorites and loved them too. Since we all know that I’m not on here enough to post anything on a regular basis, here are some of my favorite things all at once. Enjoy!
Favorite latest find:

Tide washing machine cleaner. This is actually what got me thinking about a favorite things post. I left a load of laundry in the washer for 3 or 4 days a while back and no matter what I did, I could not get the stink out of my front-loading washer. I tried everything – vinegar, baking soda (together – not the best idea I’ve ever had), bleach, Oxy Clean. One cycle with this magic powder and my washer smells like a spring breeze. Amazing. One tip though, if you are wanting to try it – I think you really only need one half a package at a time instead of the wh0le thing like they say.
Favorite book:

I love to read, and I read a lot. Typically, I finish a book and forget about it. I might think about it for a few days if it’s particularly troubling, but in general I couldn’t tell you much about the book I read 2 months ago. Same thing with movies. It drives Mike insane. We can be halfway through a movie and I will realize that I’ve seen it before. I like to think that I am just making room for more important things, but in reality it’s probably just a symptom of early onset Alzheimer's or something. Anyways, I read this book at least 6 months ago and I still think about Sarah and her “kitchen pistol”. She is the woman that I would hope to have been had I lived 100 years ago. She makes me want to move to Montana and pick up cattle ranching (AZ is way too hot for me). Which leads me to…
My favorite blog:
The Pioneer Woman. She’s witty, she cooks, gardens, takes some amazing pictures, homeschools, has her own cookbook AND the cattle ranch. Pretty much who I would love to be today (ok, except for the home schooling part, we all know I’m not nearly disciplined enough). I’m not sure where the desire to move to the country is coming from. I have a sister moving out to the country soon and maybe I’m just feeding off her excitement. Maybe it’s all the gardening I have been doing lately, living off the land. Probably it’s the unrealistic world that exists in my head that leaves out all the dirt, hard hard work, early mornings and stinky animals that come with that country living. All I see is my weed-free garden, kids playing in the yard, and me on the porch sipping virgin margaritas. Anyways, I could look at Ree’s food all day and she has some great tips for photography. Her tip today on exposure composition (found here) may have changed the way I take pictures forever. She’s pretty awesome.
My favorite gadget:

That would be the new iPhone. Ok, I don’t really have it – yet. I have been saving my pennies and holding out for the new version. It’s almost like having a baby – you love it before it actually comes. Yes, I just compared getting an iPhone to having a child. What are you going to do about it? I can promise you that the iPhone will be a lot more obedient and a lot less sassy. And if it’s not, at least I can upgrade one day:).
And last but not least, one of my very favorite things – sleep. Which is where I am off to now. More favorite things later. I’m out.