
Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy Days!

Things have been going much better around here lately.  Ben’s teeth finally made their appearance – one last Sunday and the next on Tuesday.  He is a much happier baby!  I have never had a baby have such a hard time teething.  I guess part of it is how young he is.  I am just glad that it’s over for now.   On top of that, he slept 8 hours the other night! Not so much last night, but at least now I know it’s possible.  There is a light at the end of  this sleepless tunnel.

Carter is over whatever he had and back to his usual self.  He got a haircut this week and it really hit me how fast he has grown up.  He turns 5 in a few weeks!  I think part of it is that he lost some weight when he was sick, but he is losing his little boyish-ness.  Before I know it he will be moving out!  I need to remember to enjoy these awesome kids while they are still small.   DSC_0042 Mike, being the awesome husband that he is, replaced my camera that was stolen last week.  In celebration, me and Ben had a little photo shoot.  There are a bunch, and they are all similar, but I love them all.  So look if you want to, don’t if you don’t.  But really, you should look.  He’s pretty dang cute. 


Ruth said...

So cute! #12 of the photos is my favorite! =)
WOW teeth already. Crazy. I'm glad he's sleeping a little better for you. Now he just needs to continue that!

Miranda said...

Wow! I can't believe that little Ben has teeth already! We need to get together soon.