Wow! When did that happen? Well, June 9th is when. But it’s crazy that a year has gone by since this not-so-little guy came into our lives. He’s such a fun kid to have around. We kept it simple for his birthday (he’s the fourth, what more would you expect?). Cake and presents. He wasn’t so sure about the whole thing at first… I obviously wasn’t so sure about the white balance. Can someone please get this momma some photography lessons?
But he’s a Chaplin and eating is in our DNA. He figured it out pretty quickly.
And he was pretty happy that he did.
Here are some fun facts about our little Adam:
He’s always been really strong. But in spite of crawling and standing early, he took his sweet time figuring out how to walk. He took his first real steps the week before his birthday and just started getting more comfortable with it these past few days. He can walk across the living room now.
His eating habits are totally hit or miss. One day he’ll be downing peas like nobody’s business and the next they will all be on the floor. One thing you can count on though is that half of what he is given will end up on the floor. I will take that over him stuffing it into the cracks of his highchair like he used to.
He’s very vocal. He’s getting better, but this kid is a screamer. It’s really a not-so-fun fact. We’re not talking shrieks of delight here, we are talking want to stick pencils in your ears screaming. When he is tired, he screams. When he’s hungry he screams. When he’s saying hi he screams. You get the point. Talking will be a welcome relief.
He’s been pretty easy going with changes to his routine. He’s never really had a set nap time, and his bed time fluctuates too. Something about being the fourth… I took away the bottles cold turkey right after he turned one and after a couple rough days he was drinking whole milk out of a sippy like a champ.
He really likes getting in trouble. One of his favorite things right now is when he finds the TV stand unlocked. He loves to pull out all the DVD’s. His other favorite thing is slapping me in the face. Especially at bed time. It makes for some really tender snuggle time. The other day he smacked me in the eye with a little people. I’m surprised I don’t have a black eye. It’s great to see how much he is learning from his older siblings.
I’m amazed at some of the things he knows. He picked up a headband the other day and put it on his head. He was brushing his hair with my hair brush. It’s funny to see what he picks up on – and what he picks up off the floor.
Even though he drives them crazy sometimes, he has two brothers and a sister who love his guts.
He is not a fan of photography. And I don’t know if I will ever get a good picture with all 4 of them.
Thanks for coming to our family little guy! We love you!
Absolutely adorable! Eric looked at the pictures and said all of your kids look exactly like you guys! We wish you guys lived closer!
Oh my gosh that is TOO FUNNY! Brooke is our INSANE screamer, as does she throw her food on the floor (got better about a month ago). He is adorable. And a blondie (so far). What a sweet boy!
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