
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Goodbye Old Friends

Anyone who has been in my kitchen has probably noticed the frame that I have had hanging on the wall for about the last year. It still had the pictures that it came with in it until today. I hung it thinking that looking at it everyday would motivate me to fill it faster. Not so much. After a while, the models started to feel like family. Carter was upset when I told him I was finally going to fill it with my own pictures. Change is hard for him.

Anyways, I have had an idea of what I wanted to do with this for a long time. At first, I wanted to take pictures of different structures that looked like the letters in our last name. Then I thought maybe something more nature-y, like sticks or something. Then one month I was reading my Food Network magazine and they had a feature on food fonts - made out of raspberries. That got the wheels turning. I do like food more than I like sticks. And I do like cookies more than any other kind of food. So, this is the finished product:

I may still photo shop the pictures and re-print them but until then, at least I no longer have random pictures of a group of strangers camping in my kitchen. Go me!
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Forster pack said...

I love it! Soooo cute. You are definitely giving Martha a run for her money.

The Burnetts said...

that's awesome...I did the same thing with several frames on our living room wall (leaving them blank until we had pics to fill)...we claimed that one guy was an uncle - and Luke was really attached to the black and white boat picture. We finally filled them just in time to move...awesome.

Jessica said...

cute! I like it!