Every couple of years Mike, his dad, brother and sister and their families get together for a little reunion. This year we went to Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. It was kind of random, but it turns out that it was about the same distance for all of us and who doesn’t want to see the longest cave system in the world, right? It was some great cousin time for the kids, especially Carter. He had a blast with his older boy cousins. Sammy was super cute with the twins that are Ben’s age, and Ben had a fabulous time running wild with the twins. Mike and I enjoyed visiting with his brother, sister and dad. All in all, a successful family reunion!
Here’s the whole crazy clan (minus Mike’s dad, taking the picture).
Holy cow this kid is already grown so much since then.
As many of you know, Ben loves a photo shoot. We had a pretty spectacular one while hanging out one evening.
This one is definitely my favorite. I love those chubby hands.
Then he went all Sports Illustrated on me and started rolling on the ground. 
Seriously, where did this kid come from?
Waiting for our tour of the cave to start:
Mike got to wear Adam for the tour – at least for the first 30 minutes. That’s when he woke up from his nap and decided he was over the baby wearing stage. Never again will we wear babies. :)
We stopped by Churchill Downs on the way out of town. And I really mean stopped by. We parked, took this picture, drove around for a minute and left. The kids were all whining about how hot it was and Adam was done with the whole trip. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but this wasn’t it. It was much more plantation-esque. Lots of balconies and patios. Very southern. 
As another fun stop on the way home, we met up with this lovely lady. Janelle was one of my best friends in college. We met at the good old Brick Oven while we both worked there. We had some seriously crazy times together; some of my best memories from that time are with her. It was so fun to visit with her and her cute kids. It’s sad having friends move away so often, but it’s fun meeting up with friends in random places! 
Next up, Utah!