
Friday, February 7, 2014


IMG_0647Mike had a business trip to Rhode Island over our anniversary this last November and so we decided to fly out early and stay in Boston for a few days.  Thanks to my awesome sister being willing to watch my kids, we were able to make it happen.  It was the longest we’ve been away since having kids and it was amazing!  I mean, I missed my kids and all, but really it was mostly just amazing.  Boston is such a fun, interesting city.  We got there right after the world series ended.  Apparently it was kind of a big deal there…

IMG_0597The first morning we were there we got to watch the victory parade.  It’s pretty crazy how much these people love their sox.  IMG_0585 And if you look closely, there’s the championship trophy!  I practically could have touched it. Well, almost.  IMG_0589The next day we went on a historic food tour.  A little bit of history, a little bit of food – that’s my idea of a great day.  IMG_0601Ok, it was a lot of food.  A lot of amazing, delicious food.  IMG_0641And the most amazing French toast ever.  My Photo Stream  We got to know Paul Revere.  We went to his house,  Paul Revere's house His gravesite, IMG_0606And his statue!  He’s a Red Sox fan too. Who knew?IMG_0619 Look at that cute couple.  That’s a couple who’s not worried about what their kids ate that day, who pooped when, or when those kids would finally go to bed.  That’s a couple who need to get away more often!     Anyone want a few extra kids for a week or so?   IMG_0630