We started a new tradition this year and it might be one of my favorites yet. In August the Green Bay Packers have a family night. Tickets are $10 each and they do a scrimmage. They also have tailgating, face painting and some other activities depending on how into it you want to get. It was our first time, so we kept it simple. It was a blast! It was fun to be in the stadium with the crowd and just enjoy the show.
The night started off with some Army paratroopers parachuting into the stadium. Then the players played a scrimmage and had a field goal kicking competition. The night was capped off with fireworks. Other than a few minor glitches, it was a really fun night. The kids favorite part was the wave.
Some lessons we learned for next time:
- The stadium is really loud. We should have brought ear plugs for the kids. We ended up using wadded up tissue.
- There are no drinking fountains at Lambeau Field. Not a one. We learned this after a long, long walk around the stadium. Definitely the low point of the night.
- We should have gone a little bit earlier so the kids could get their tattoos and faces painted and made their necklaces (would have been easier to park as well). We missed some of the game while Samantha finished up her necklace and missed the tattoos. Boo.
- Adam is a champion sleeper when he wants to be. He fell asleep on the walk to the stadium and slept through the entire thing. He woke up again when we put him in the car seat afterwards.
We figured that since we were going to be getting back so late, we may as well just get a hotel room that night. I’m so glad we did. The next morning we headed back up to Green Bay to Bay Beach. It’s this cute little amusement park. Most rides are one ticket. One ticket costs $.25. The kids had a blast. They rode every single ride and we still had a boat load of tickets left over.
I will definitely be using this one as blackmail one day…
It started raining that afternoon. Most of the rides kept going though. These crazies thought it would be fun to ride the train in the rain. Until there was lightening and they stopped the train mid-ride. Everyone had to walk back.
We took shelter and ate some lunch. By the time we were ready to leave, it looked like this. Luckily for us, the tickets are good forever! We’ll hope for better weather next time.