Samantha had a birthday last month! Her birthday was on Monday and she wanted to bring treats to school that day, so we celebrated the Friday before. It was quite the day! She was in charge of everything we did. We started out with breakfast the the Original Pancake House (so glad it wasn’t Denny’s). Carter and Samantha both got the chocolate chip pancakes. Quite honestly, they made me a little sick just looking at them, but they both seemed to enjoy them thoroughly.
After a quick stop at Kohl’s to let their stomachs settle a bit, we headed over to Flabbergast, a bounce house. One of my favorite things about this was listening to Sammy say Flabbergast all day – Flabbagast.
Once we had worn them out sufficiently we came home for Ben’s naptime. Mike took Carter and Samantha to see The Lorax while Ben slept and I assembled her birthday gift. Finally it was gift time! She really loves Barbie lately (she doesn’t have any real Barbies, just the Disney princess version). So she got some of those.
Ben gave Mike a confidence boost when he kept calling Ken “Daddy”.
And every princess and her Ken need a home, so that was Sammy’s big gift from us.
And sticking with the princess theme, this is the cake she picked:
And just for old time’s sake, 4 years ago, she sat in the same spot (old couch) and opened her presents. No princesses then, just a shape sorting cookie jar. Where does the time go?
We did the 20 questions with her. Here are her responses:
How old are you? 5
Who is your best friend? Helena from school
What is your favorite color? Pink and Purple
What is your favorite food? Shells and Cheese
What do you like to do with your family? Go fun places
What is your favorite toy? My princesses
What do you want to be when you grow up? A teacher
What makes you happy? Being funny
What makes you sad? When Ben hits me
What is your favorite show to watch? My little Pony
What is your favorite book? Any princess book
What do you love to learn about? Jesus
What was the best part of your birthday? Flabbergast
Where do you like to go? Fun places
Who is your teacher? Frau Savignac
What is your favorite treat? Suckers
What do you think about before you fall asleep? Nothing
If you could meet someone famous who would it be? Jesus
What was your favorite birthday present? Dollhouse
Happy birthday Samantha! We are so glad that you are a part of our family!