
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Déjà vu

I had my 32 week appointment today.  For the most part, things are looking good.  My Dr. gave me a maternity belt, which is amazing. It’s like a hug for my belly.  I was just telling Mike last night how heavy it was.  In his dear, sympathetic way, he replied “yeah, it is really big.”  So sweet.  Honestly now, am I really that big?


I’m totally kidding, I know I am.  What happened to my boobs?  I guess they have been swallowed up by the great expanse which is my belly. 

Anyways… as my Dr. was feeling the baby, she asked if that was a head or a bum up in my ribs.  Like I have any idea.  So she pulled out the ultrasound and yes indeed, this baby is breech.  Just like Mr. Carter was.  Now, he still has 8 weeks to flip, but at this point, most babies stay where they are at due to space restrictions.  We’ll try to flip him at 37 weeks if it hasn’t happened by then, but if not, it looks like another C-section for me.  I’m not heart broken because obviously, we’ve done this before, but I would really rather have him naturally.  A C-section was hard enough with just one baby, I don’t want to do it with 1 baby and 3 other kids.

Here’s hoping he does a 180! And that this isn’t a sign of things to come…