
Sunday, March 11, 2012

6 Months Down…

…and three to go!?!  I remember getting to this point with my other pregnancies too.  I feel ginormous, uncomfortable, and completely stretched out.  And I look in the mirror and wonder how I could possibly get any bigger.  And then I do.  Here I am yesterday:


And about a week before Samantha was born (don’t be jealous of Mike’s mad photography skills):  DSCN1571And 2 weeks before Ben was born.  I cringed a little when I saw this one. 


In my defense, my babies are not small, at least 8 pounders, but still…wow!  That is one big belly.  I’m going to be needing some serious ab rehab once he makes his appearance. 


Other than my hugeness, things are going well.  I broke out all the baby stuff in a crazy basement cleaning episode, so that’s all ready to go.  We’re pretty sure his name is Adam, but we reserve the right to change our minds on that at any time.  The kids are excited, although I’m not sure they really get all that a new baby involves (does anyone?).  All we need is for him to finish growing and come on out! 


Eric said...

So fun! Mommies really do go through it, huh?! I think I get even bigger than you and my babies are smaller. That should at least help you feel better!

Eric said...

Dang it! Sorry this is Kristi. Seems my husband signed me out of google. :)

Miranda said...

Linda, you are so beautiful!!!

vanessa said...

Such a cute pic! I get really huge too and I think you look great for 6 months! Hope the next three months fly by!!