
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Common Sense?

Let me preface this post by saying that I’m not looking for a pity party here.  I’m not looking for comments saying how beautiful/thin/good looking I am (although those are certainly welcome on any other post).  This is just some good old fashioned venting, plain and simple. 

I can’t tell you how many times I have been asked over the past couple of months if I am pregnant.  No, I am not.  I have 3 beautiful (in my own biased opinion) children and a cursed Peterson gene that causes me to hold onto all the weight I gained with those 3 children in my mid-section.  Believe me when I say that if I could trade it for a little junk in the trunk I would.  I try to brush off the pregnancy comments but really, they are starting to hurt.  I am doing my best. I have been working out.  I do my crunches/planks/whatever before bed. So cut a girl some slack! 

When in doubt, I suggest that we take a “don’t ask, they’ll tell” policy.  This may be common sense for some, but apparently not for everyone.  If someone has blessed baby news to share, they will.  If they don’t, well you can leave that to your own imagination.   Give it a few months, and you will probably get your answer.  And now I feel better.  At least a little. 


Kristi said...

People are so lame! I'm sorry, and I have been asked before when we were due. I NEVER say anything until the mommy tells me of the news. If I could give you some of the junk out of my trunk, I would. I make JLo look tiny! Your children are beautiful, so are you (and yes, I know you weren't fishing for the compliment), but I wanted you to know. I suggest you just start flipping people the bird. Yeah...that will teach em! Oh, and I think you guys should have at least three more kids! ;)

S-T.E.C.H. said...

I feel your pain, though I suppose it doesn't help that I am still wearing maternity clothes since my regular ones are still too small...oh well! At least I am not peeing my pants anymore! Small victories! Love you!

Ruth said...

I know how you feel. That has happened to me too. I think people just don't think sometimes. My family has that holding-on-to-the-fat gene so it definitely feels like it takes FOREVER to feel normal again. said...

It is not a Forster gene. Sorry to say but it is Yates gene. You get it from the female line on my side, Clara Sumantha Yates was your great-great-grandmother.(your grandmother's grandmother)

Sorry, I also feel your frustration, it does not come off easily. Love mom

Jessica said...

Do you need me to start punching some lights out...if it happens next time when I'm around I'll just make them feel as bad as you with some snarky comment.

Sarah L. said...

Some people just need to learn when to shut their traps. When I was 6 weeks prego this time around (ps I'm prego) I had a lady come up and say, "what are you, around 4 months". I almost slapped her:)) That good old mid-section. Hang in there:))