
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tummy Troubles

We have had some stomach virus going around our house lately.  Ben got it last Monday, Samantha and I got it on Thursday, Mike got it on Friday, and Carter just got it today.  Luckily, it’s short-lived.  We threw up 3-4 times, felt like crap for a day and then we were back to normal for the most part.  Anyways, the point of this isn’t to inform you of the vomit-fest that has been going on here lately, but to point out some key differences in my children.  And let me preface this by saying that I love them all the same. 

Ben: Projectile vomited in kid care at the YMCA.  Within minutes was smiling and playing like nothing had happened. 

Samantha: Tells me that her stomach hurts.  I ask her if she was hungry.  She says “no, I just need to throw up” in her cute little voice.  And yes, that means that she had already thrown up in her shoe and on the living room floor.  She goes back into the bathroom a few times and throws up like it happens all the time.  She prefers to have a little seat to sit on while she does so.  As I am in the upstairs bathroom I hear her singing a little song as she sits there waiting to throw up. 

Carter: Threw up in his bed tonight.  The screams coming from his room made me think that he was having terrible nightmares.  He is wailing (to his credit I think it was mainly due to the vomit in his eye).  As I get him up and bring him into the bathroom, he is crying and going on about how this is the most terrible thing that could ever happen to him and he wishes that he would never throw up and how he had even said a little prayer that he would be better, and how this is just terrible, etc.  As he is back in his room getting clean pajamas on he is still crying about how terrible this is, and “oh no!  I have use another pillow!  That was my favorite pillow!” Again, to his credit, he bought his memory foam pillow with his own money. “Now I can’t wear those other pajamas! I just wanted to sleep well!  This is horrible!” and well, you get the picture. 

I do love all of my children equally, but some seem to have better coping skills than others. 


Kristi said...

Oh man, thanks for the laugh...I needed it tonight. Carter sounds just like our Zach. Zach even started crying because he said a prayer he wouldn't throw up anymore and he did anyway. Gotta love it!

The Burnetts said...

that was a hilarious post...sorry about the vomiting, though. that's never fun!