What a week! Between Carter’s birthday, Christmas and New Year’s it always just seems like one long party. We are still all recovering from the lost sleep and over-abundance of great food.
It was a fabulous Christmas for us all. We all got what we wanted and more.
We got some sibling love (something Mommy asked for).
The light sabers were definitely at the top of the list of favorites.
As were the Wii accesories.
Our little princess - “purple is my favorite!”
And as usual the box wins out in the end.
Ben was just excited to be a part of the party.
But really the light saber was his favorite too.
For New Year’s Eve we had our annual fondue dinner. We kept it small this year, with just a couple of friends. We decided that as the kids get older we need to include them more and that gets hard with a lot of people. The food was amazing and the company was great. I even got a hug from Carter with a “thank you for planning this party. It’s the best party ever!”. 

For it just being bite-sized food, I sure managed to eat a lot. But look at this. How could you not?
The kids were just thrilled that we let them stay up as late as they wanted. They surprised us all by staying up well past midnight. But then again, we surprised ourselves by staying up until midnight. Here they are all prepped to go bang their “cymbals” outside at midnight. Lucky for us, they all slept in the next day. Hopefully the neighbors did too. 
Overall, it was a wonderful way to celebrate the end of a great year. We definitely had our ups and downs, but we are better people because of them. We have been truly blessed this year and look forward to another great year!