
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Potty Training!

I never imagined that I would experience such a feeling of personal triumph over such a small stream of urine flowing into the toilet, but here I am, feeling like I'm on top of the world, because Carter is almost potty trained. I say almost because we still haven't had the big "number 2" in the toilet and he did have a couple of accidents today. But he is telling me when he has to go now, and is making huge progress. I am hoping by the end of the week we will be good to go. Potty training probably isn't something that you should decide to do on a whim, but Monday morning I decided it was time, went to Target and picked up a bag full of $1 goodies and decided that it was going to happen this time. I think the stink of too many of his diapers may have affected my thinking at the time. Anyways, he is so excited for his treat bag, which he gets at the end of the day if he has done a good job of staying dry or if he fills up his sticker chart. I swear I have never seen a person get so much satisfaction out of a Reese's PB cup. It was super cute.

On another note, I finally found someone to cut my hair out here. Amber was a little bit offended (she usually does my hair when she comes out to visit), but I think she understands that I should probably cut my hair more than twice a year. It really shouldn't be that hard to find someone, but I want someone who is cheap but good. This girl does hair out of her home, but she does a great job. She used to cut hair at a salon in Utah. Now she is a stay at home mom with a husband in dental school. So if you don't mind getting your hair washed in the kitchen sink, she did a fabulous job on my hair and it was only $25! I'll take that any day. I have been in a serious slump lately and I need to get out of it. I went shopping yesterday and spent way more than I had planned (it's a lot easier to spend money without Mike there asking me how much everything is). Hopefully with some new clothes and a new haircut I can start feeling like myself again.

Really, in comparison to the potty training, the rest of my life is just ok. Samantha is getting better every day (for those who don't know, she was quite a stinker for a long time). She doesn't like to go to bed at night, though and gets this incredibly high pitched squeal which gets louder and higher as she gets more and more tired. I may have permanent hearing damage.

Lastly, I just had my first Frosty Float from Wendy's. YUM.